Under current conditions, the consumption of digital technology is getting higher. This is because all activities must still be carried out from inside the house and the limitations of outdoor activities, so that sources of entertainment and information have turned to social media. One of the most popular is the YouTube platform. On this platform, anyone is free to upload videos of their creations.

Now, YouTuber is a profession that many people dream of. If you are one of those who wants to start the profession of becoming a YouTuber, prepare the following 4 things so you can be successful.

Concept and Branding

Unlike most people’s views, the YouTuber profession is not just a hobby. You still need a mature concept and marketing strategy that suits the target audience you want to reach.

First of all, decide what kind of concept you want to make your YouTube channel stand …

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In a matter of days, you will celebrate Chinese New Year in 2021. This year’s Chinese New Year celebrations will indeed be a little different due to the pandemic. However, that doesn’t mean you and your family can’t celebrate quality time with your family at home, including preparing a number of things for this celebration.

One of the things that is mandatory, of course, is shopping for Chinese New Year clothes. To add to your luck this year, you can plan frugal shopping tips for this Chinese New Year celebration. Here are some frugal shopping tips for Chinese New Year clothes that you can try.

Set a Budget with a Shopping List

The first tip that is important to do before shopping is to set a budget that will be used while making a shopping list. With a clear budget, it will also be easier for you to make the …

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In this modern era, millennial banking is increasingly loved by the millennial generation, especially with the convenience of making transactions using smartphones. Then what are the activities and habits that occur in this millennial banking?

Have More Than One Online Savings For Every Need

Did you know that millennials have more than one online savings account to manage their finances? This is due to the easier allocation of funds.

If all income is saved into several online savings accounts, millennials will be able to manage expenses according to existing needs. For example, saving A is used to pay for daily needs, saving B is for investment, and saving c is for retirement funds. So this can prevent swelling that often occurs when expenditure exceeds the requirement limit.

Millennial Savings No Need to Bring a Wallet!

Practically, this is the main thing that millennials pay most attention to, with millennial …

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Marketing strategy is a set of goals and objectives, policies and rules that give direction to marketing efforts from time to time at each level and location.

Philip Kotler stated that modern marketing strategy generally consists of three stages, namely market segmentation, target market determination, and market positioning.

From the definition above, it can conclude that marketing strategy is a process of activities using management functions to meet consumer needs through transactions.

1) Product strategy

Product form includes physical goods and services that can satisfy consumer needs. Companies that have to constantly improve existing products and develop new products to satisfy customers every time so that they can generate very high sales.

2) Pricing strategy

Some companies determine the price of a product by estimating the cost per unit to manufacture the product and pricing based on cost. If this method is use then the company must also record

all …

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Shopping for household needs has become a routine obligation that is carried out every month. Parents can take advantage of this momentum to introduce their little ones to the importance of logical shopping from an early age. The method:

Give Example

Make a shopping list and involve the child in buying items together according to the list. Also explain the importance of discipline in shopping logically, so you don’t add unnecessary items.

Be Careful with Prices

When shopping, don’t be afraid to discuss prices with your child. Also choose a place that supports you logical shopping. For example, at Giant or Hero you will get a 20% discount every Monday – Thursday for fresh products using the PermataHero Card. Apart from that, there is also a 3.5% cashback for every purchase in the Hero Group. Even if you shop elsewhere you can get 1.5% cashback with a PermataHero Card. Buying …

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Talking about good design, we must first look at the context and purpose of the design being made. There are no fixed parameters. If the goal is to be commercial, then the design created must be able to sell or promote an item.

But if for publication purposes, what is called ‘good’, you need to look at how the content is structured, the angle of the talk, the layout, and so on. In fact, sometimes the design at the exhibition emphasizes expressive aspects rather than clear communication because it aims to attract attention.

But in general, every design regardless of the context, must be able to communicate, have views and expressions according to the space.

Work for the benefit of the project

There is a journey that must be passed for in the end a design is created. Especially when working for the benefit of a client’s project, sometimes …

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Currently being an entrepreneur is a profession that is in great demand by the public. Due to the large number of successful entrepreneurs, many office workers want to resign because the income as an entrepreneur can be higher than being an office worker. But keep in mind, running a business is not that easy, there are several factors on how to run a business well.


The key to starting a successful business starts with being creative. A businessman must always be creative by creating a product that is unique and has relevance to what society needs.

Strong Will and Strong Determination

A business will be run successfully when the people who run the business have determination, enthusiasm, and a strong will.

Creating Good Reputation and Service

Reputation is the main thing in business. As much as possible should be able to build a positive and good reputation in the …

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After working for several years, there are certainly some employees who have unwritten hopes of getting a raise, a change in position, or a better position than they are now.

Having a thriving career can indeed motivate work and be a form of self-appreciation after all the effort that has been made.

However, there may be some employees who don’t know how to develop a career. If you are one of them, follow the tips below.

Have a Will to Learn

Wherever you work and your current position, always take advantage of the time to grow at work. Improve the knowledge and skills you have and learn other competencies that are useful for your career development.

Give Opportunity to Grow

Expand your network by building relationships with colleagues, both within your work unit and across work units. Taking the opportunity to be actively involved in cross-functional projects is also an …

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Everything has a risk, this also applies to business. It’s not always smooth sailing, in fact, not a few businesses have had to go out of business or go bankrupt. There are many factors that cause business failure. If you are a businessman, of course you don’t want your business to fail, right? Therefore, you should learn the following signs of a business that is in danger of failing:

Not According to Consumer Wants and Needs

We know that in doing business, we must refer to the needs and desires of consumers. If the product or service offered is not suitable, it is clear that there will be no interested consumers and in the end the business we run will not make a profit.

Not Ready To Follow Market Changes

Change always comes, whether on a small or large scale. This is what makes businesses have to keep up with …

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Saving is not an activity that only adults can do. In fact, nowadays, the culture of saving for children has been implemented in various countries. This cannot be separated from the good impact that children get when they are able to save from an early age. No need to be confused, there are several ways that you can apply as a parent to educate your children to save well. Here are some of them:

Introduce Money Functions Slowly

When children are good at counting, that’s the right time to introduce them to money. This can be started from the differences in each sheet of money to its function as a transaction tool. When children are familiar with these things, then we start teaching them that we must use money wisely and not overdo it.

Provide an Understanding of Needs, Desires, and Expectations

A child may only know that he can …

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