Definition of Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is very absolute and very important in the development of a company, marketing strategy is not an independent variable but must be related to the goals and objectives of the company as a whole. Marketing goals and objectives must be an integral part of the overall activities of the company.

In other words, in order for the marketing sector to be able to play its role with a high level of effectiveness, its formulation and determination must take into account the company’s competitive advantage, its facilities and infrastructure and whether or not the company is proactive in taking advantage of opportunities that arise.

Marketing strategy is basically a plan comprehensive, integrated and unified in the field of marketing, which provide guidance on the activities to be carried out for can achieve the marketing objectives of a company.

In other words, the marketing strategy is a series of goals …

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Benefits of Marketing Strategy

Here are some of the benefits of the intermediate marketing strategy
others are:

  1. can assist companies in developing better marketing strategies by using a much more systematic, rational, logical, rational approach to strategic choices.
  2. marketing strategy is a process and the main purpose of a process is to achieve understanding and commitment from all parties managers and employees.
  3. A process of empowering individuals: Empowerment is an activity in strengthening employees’ understanding of effectiveness by encouraging and rewarding them employees to be able to participate in making initiatives and imaginative decisions and exercises.
  4. Raising awareness of external threats.
  5. Marketing strategy can provide a better understanding of the strategy of competitors.
  6. can increase productivity in the company, and
  7. Makes it possible to identify, determine priorities, and exploit existing opportunities. And companies must have the courage to carry out and implement marketing strategies like this in order to improve and expand marketing reach
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Strategy for Determining Shipping Costs

According to experts, logistics itself refers to the overall process of resource management. Including storage until transported to the destination location.

This series of processes is certainly part of the postage cost calculations. Now, after knowing how to calculate shipping costs, here’s the implementation strategy for you!

  1. Compare With Competitors

If you use an internal courier, the first step you need to take is to compare your postage with competitors. Buyers will certainly choose a store with lower shipping costs. So, it would be better if your shipping costs are not more expensive than competitors!

In addition, if you use an expeditionary service, then choose an expeditionary service with the cheapest and most quality shipping costs.

Basically, all major forwarding services guarantee protection for the packages sent, so find the cheapest and fastest expedition.

  1. Consider Postage Discounts

The next step is to provide shipping discounts or even free shipping! This …

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Managing Finance for Students

Saving is a good thing to do early on for children so they get used to doing it until they grow up. Not only saving at home using a piggy bank, it’s time for children, especially students, to start saving at the bank. Before starting to save, let’s learn what are the benefits of saving early.

Learn to Manage Your Own Finances

Having your own savings account has a big influence on students to practice managing their finances. By having their own savings account, they are introduced to the responsibility of managing it.


Saving at a bank is of course safer than saving at home using a piggy bank. The security system at the Bank is stronger and can avoid the risk of theft or robbery. In addition, saving at the bank also makes students not easily tempted to take savings.

Introducing the Bank and its Products

Saving …

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Setting aside a budget for self-love

In the last few months, the term self-love has often been seen on various social and even national media. According to several definitions, self-love is a process or decision taken to please oneself in order to create happiness in human life.

Then, what is the impact and influence of self-love on family financial planning? It is undeniable that one way to apply self-love is by purchasing or consuming goods and services.

So that these expenses don’t only bring happiness but also goodness, I want to link the purpose of the purchase with the motivation behind it. There are 3 things that generally underlie purchasing decisions in the family.

First, buy because of a dream. There are times when a family dreams of having a certain brand of vehicle or going to a certain exotic vacation destination. Thus, I suggest that this dream include in a financial plan and the strategy …

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