Manage Finances with These Tricks When Experiencing a Salary Cut 1
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have had to cut their employees’ salaries as a solution to survive. This may be a problem for you because when payday arrives, your income is no longer as big as it used to be while expenses remain at the same nominal. Therefore, here are some tricks that you can apply before payday arrives so that your finances can be well organized.
Start with a Priority Scale
You can do this first trick by keeping a record of expenses. Enter all the expenses that you spent a few months earlier, then categorize which expenses you regularly spend every month and which don’t.
Then, do the categorization again, this time by categorizing primary expenses, secondary expenses, and tertiary expenses. These primary expenses are vital needs that must be met, such as food, electricity, water and internet. This secondary expenditure refers to needs …
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