Definition of sales

Sales is the main objective of the company’s activities. In producing goods or services, the ultimate goal is to sell these goods or services to the community. Therefore sales play an important role for the company so that the products produced by the company can be sold and provide income for the company.

Sales made by the company aim to sell goods or services needed as a source of income to cover all costs in order to make a profit. Sales activity is an activity that must carries out by the company by marketing its products either in the form of goods or services. Its carried out by the company aim to achieve the expected and profitable sales volume to achieve maximum profit for the company.

Sales volume is the total amount generate from the sale of goods. The greater the number of sales a company generates, the greater …

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The Importance of Financially Independent Women 2

Becoming financially independent is not only an obligation that only men bear. Basically, all people regardless of group and even gender must be able to be financially independent. Unfortunately, the concept of an independent woman is often misunderstood. In the article that will be discussed here, you will understand how an independent woman is seen from her financial condition.

Without you realizing it, a person’s financial condition will affect many aspects of his life. Some of them are strong reasons why women being financially independent are important things that must be achieved by all women.

Become Aspirational

With all the strength and stability that you create from your ability to be independent as a woman, you will become an aspiration for other women and even people in general. The aspiration to become an independent woman who dares to make big, crucial decisions.

Aspiration to be more responsible to oneself and …

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