Marketing strategy is a set of goals and objectives, policies and rules that give direction to marketing efforts from time to time at each level and location.
Forms of Marketing Strategy
There are two forms of marketing strategy in order to increase sales volume. According to Philip Kottler, the forms are:
- Offensive strategy
This offensive strategy aims to find new customers with this strategy the company hopes to increase market share, sales, and the number of consumers.
- Defensive strategy
Defensive strategies include efforts to reduce the possibility of customer exit and switching of consumers to other marketers. This defensive strategy aims to minimize customer turnover and maximize customer retention by protecting its products and markets from competitors’ attacks.
Marketing Strategy Mix
The marketing mix is a set of marketing tools that the company uses to continuously achieve its marketing objectives in the target market. in marketing strategy
In this case, there is a marketing reference strategy (marketing mix) that determines the best composition of the four marketing components, or variables to reach the intended target market while achieving the company’s goals and objectives. The marketing mix is classification into four broad groups call the “4Ps and STP” in marketing: Product, Price, Place and Promotion and Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.
- Products
Product is the first and most important element in the marketing mix, Planning the marketing mix begins with formulating an offer that can meet the needs or desires of consumers.
Product is anything that can offer to a market to satisfy a want or need. According to Fandy Tjiptono, a product is anything that can offer by a manufacturer to notice, requested, searched for, bought, used or consumed by the market.
to fulfill the needs or wants of the relevant market.
Products offered include physical goods, services/personal, places, organizations, and ideas. From these various opinions it can conclude that product policy is a policy adopt by companies in providing goods or services that are in accordance with consumer needs and demands.
The product is everything that the company tries to offer to its customers. The company tries to adapt its products to the needs of its prospective buyers.
- Price
Price is an element of the marketing mix that generates sales revenue, while the other elements only generate costs. Because it generates sales receipts, the price affects the level of sales, profit levels, and market share obtained by the company.
Because if competitors set prices much cheaper than the products we offer, it is certain that the consumer market will be more easily attract and choose products whose prices are far below the products we offer. Unless the consumer market is willing to pay high prices for the products we offer.
- Place
In distributing the product, the main thing to pay attention to is the distribution channel decision. Distribution is intermediary marketing to market products, especially by building a distribution channel, namely a group of organizations that are interdependent in their participation in the process of making a product or service available to users or consumed by consumers or industry.