Benefits of Marketing Strategy

Here are some of the benefits of the intermediate marketing strategy
others are:

  1. can assist companies in developing better marketing strategies by using a much more systematic, rational, logical, rational approach to strategic choices.
  2. marketing strategy is a process and the main purpose of a process is to achieve understanding and commitment from all parties managers and employees.
  3. A process of empowering individuals: Empowerment is an activity in strengthening employees’ understanding of effectiveness by encouraging and rewarding them employees to be able to participate in making initiatives and imaginative decisions and exercises.
  4. Raising awareness of external threats.
  5. Marketing strategy can provide a better understanding of the strategy of competitors.
  6. can increase productivity in the company, and
  7. Makes it possible to identify, determine priorities, and exploit existing opportunities. And companies must have the courage to carry out and implement marketing strategies like this in order to improve and expand marketing reach
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Definition of sales

Sales is the main objective of the company’s activities. In producing goods or services, the ultimate goal is to sell these goods or services to the community. Therefore sales play an important role for the company so that the products produced by the company can be sold and provide income for the company.

Sales made by the company aim to sell goods or services needed as a source of income to cover all costs in order to make a profit. Sales activity is an activity that must carries out by the company by marketing its products either in the form of goods or services. Its carried out by the company aim to achieve the expected and profitable sales volume to achieve maximum profit for the company.

Sales volume is the total amount generate from the sale of goods. The greater the number of sales a company generates, the greater …

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Goods expenditure is the purchase of goods and services that use up to produce market and non-market goods and services. Shopping for goods, among others, can group into 3 categories of shopping, namely:

  1. Expenditures for the procurement of goods and services.

Expenditures for the procurement of goods that do not meet the capitalization value in the financial statements are categorize into operational expenditures and non-operational expenditures. Expenditures for the procurement of consulting services are not include in the category of services expenditure group.

  1. Maintenance spending.

Maintenance expenditures that are incurre and do not increase and extend the useful life and or are unlikely to provide future economic benefits in the form of capacity, production quality, or improvement of performance standards are still categorize as maintenance expenditures in the financial statements.

  1. Shopping trip.

Travel expenditure borne not for the purpose of acquiring fixed assets is categorize as travel expenditure in the …

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Reasons for Online Shopping Preferred by Consumers 1

Reasons Online shopping is a trend that is increasing from year to year. This is supported by the ease of transactions provided by various platforms.

Plus, the pandemic conditions have made many people more comfortable shopping from home. For some people who are trying it for the first time, of course this is an attractive and efficient shopping method.

At a time when many offline stores are closed and activities outside the home are limited, the role of online shopping sites is very helpful. In the end, this shopping trend becomes a new habit.

This is because the general public is quite comfortable with the online shopping system. According to Sirclo data, as much as 17.5% of people have switched from offline shopping to online shopping.

The increase in customers shopping online is also quite large. From the beginning which was only 11%, it increased to 25% in 2021.…

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Reasons for Online Shopping Preferred by Consumers 2

Online shopping is a trend that is increasing from year to year. This is supported by the ease of transactions provided by various platforms.

So, what are the reasons for online shopping now preferred by consumers?

Noted, there are several main reasons for online shopping preferred by consumers, here’s an explanation for you.

  1. Avoiding COVID-19

In fact, in the last few years, online shopping has become a popular shopping trend. However, the existence of the corona virus has made online shopping increase rapidly.

Many of the new consumers experienced online shopping when the pandemic occurred. The reason is strong because if you shop in person the possibility of being exposed to the coronavirus is even greater.

In addition, business people are trying to accommodate consumer concerns by creating online stores. So that consumers’ desire to avoid COVID-19 is supported by business people …

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